Distinctive features having no opposites

The Whistling


This term literally means "whistling" in Arabic.






It's a sound that resembles the whistling of the bird.

Technically, it's an extra sound coming out of the mouth.





Characteristic due to the intensity of the sound resulting from its passage throughnarrow place for the letters:





Siin(س) which corresponds to the sound "S"  in the begining of the word "spécial" in english;






The Zay (ز) which corresponds to the "Z" of the word "zone" in english






And finally the letter Saad (ص), fricative deaf( without the vibration of the vocal chords), emphatic of the the sound "S"!



This term literally means "The Shaking" in Arabic.






 In the Arabic language, the Qalqala verb means to waver, to move.





Technically, Al Qalqala is the vibrational force of the sound of the letter during its pronunciation when it includes a sukun (absence of vowel), so that we hear a strong intonation





Characteristic related to the strong impact resulting from the pronunciation of the letters:






Qaaf (ق), occlusive vocal letter, uvular: the articulation point is made with the back of the Tongue against the uvula






The letter Taa(ط), occlusive vocal, emphatic of the letter "T" in english;







The Ba(ب), which corresponds to the "b" in english;






The letter Jiim(ج), which corresponds to the sound "j" in the beginning of the name "John" in english







And Dal(د), equivalent to the sound "d" in the word "Dust"in english




This impact is due to the abrupt séparation of the two organs of prononciation without opening of the mouth or rounding of the lips or lowering of the lower jaw.




It is divided into two parts, depending on the position of one of these five letters in the word.


The small and the big shake.


The Little Shake

القلقله الصغرا

 Literally, the small shake, which occurs when one of the five letters are in the middle of a word, or in the middle of the reading.




The vibratory impact, although remarkable, is reduced by worries of inertia, the need to keep some energy to be able to finish the word!

The Great Shake

القلقله الكبر ا


Literally the big shacke, occurring when one of the five letters are at the end of the word, or at the end of a phrase.


The vibratory impact is maximum, the airflow literally dies until total exhalation on their point of articulation!

Al Liin


This term literally means "sweetness" in Arabic,






Technically, this characteristic consists in pronouncing the letter with lightness and without difficulty.





it is the term also used to define the way to educate and communicate with children, smoothly and gently while facilitating the language.





This characteristic concerns the letters Ya (ي), which corresponds to the sound "e" in english,






and Waou(و), which corresponds to the sound "u" in english like in the word "Rule".





When they wear a Sukoun(meaning absence of a vowel) and preceded by any letters bearing the vowel "a" (called "Al Fathah" in Arabic),




The pronunciation of the letters is then done with gentleness and without effort, in relaxation!

Al Inhiraf



This term literally means "Deviation" in Arabic.


Technically, it is the deviation of the tongue until reaching the point of articulation (makhraj) of another letter.


Thus, the pronunciation of Lâm (ل) is done by a deviation of the tip of the tongue.


When with Ra (ر), it is made by a deviation towards the back (the lower part) of the tongue.


The name is describing the deviation of the sound from their original point of articulation (letters Lam(ل), equivalent to the sound "L" in the word "light" in english,

and the letter Ra(ر), equivalent to the Spanish "r" rolled)

 Al Inhiraf Lam(ل)



Concerning the letter Lam(ل), the sound is deflected on both sides of the tongue.


The longue in contact on the front of the palate, forcing the vocalized airflow to be deviated from each side of the tongue!

Al Inhiraf Ra(ر)



As for the letter Ra(ر), the sound is deflected towards the middle of the tongue between the upper medial incisors.

At Tak'riir



This term literally means "Rolling", "Repetition" in Arabic.


This characteristic concerning the letter Ra(ر), equivalent to the rolled "r" of the Spanish language, corresponds to the vibration of

the tip of the tongue naturally associated with

The latter during its articulation.


This feature should not be exaggerated

By strongly pressing the vibration.


The vibration must be realized in its 'cyclical' and renewed character, like a dynamo which, after a given impulse, would Re-charge itself, under the repetition effect!

At Tafashshi



This term literally means "Blowing" or "Breathing" or "shortness of breath" in Arabic.


Technically, At-tafashshî means the propagation of air in the mouth during the pronunciation of the letter Shîn (ش) until reaching the point of articulation of '(ظ), which corresponds to the internal part of the incisors lower and upper.


This characteristic concerns the letter Shiin(ش), which correspond to the sound "ch" of the word "short" in english!


Particularity designating the propagation of sound when pronouncing the letter(ش) from its point of articulation until it strikes the internal part of the lower and upper incisors, and the diffusion of the air flow that creates this characteristic sound!


Producing a sound like a balloon that deflates!

Al IstiTālah



This term literally means in Arabic "The Leap", "The Impulse".


Technically, Al 'Istitâla corresponds to the lengthening of the sound of the letter Dåd(ض) from its point of articulation, which is the edge of the tongue until it reaches the point of articulation of Lâm(ل).


Characteristic concerning the letter Daad(ض) and which corresponds to the impulse of the tongue coming from the bottom of the mouth to the front of the latter during its pronunciation;


The end of

The tongue sticking to the root of the upper incisors.


The root of the incisors become like a physical barrier, which puts an end to the energy inherent in any impulse!

Vibration of the nasal cavity

the letter Noun



This term literally means "The Song", or "What is sung, hummed".


Characteristic of the letter Miim(م), equivalent to the "m" in the word "Make" in english, and the letter Noun (ن), which corresponds to the "n" in French, repeated continuously 'nnnn', as when humming an air.


Thus, in both cases, the sound has as its point of articulation the nasal cavity, thus causing the frontal, ethmoid, and sphenoid cavities to vibrate: 


Which allows the stimulation of inaccessible structures because deeply located in the body!

Vibration of the nasal cavity

the letter Mim




In the case of the Miim(م), its vibrations appears strongly similar to the sound produced by the yogis at the end of the mantras "Ohm" mantra repeated to develop their vigilance and concentration.


Corresponds to a continuous "m", as the sound


Which is produced when one finds a dish or a plate extremly delicious: "hmmmmmm!"