Get some nerve!

The nervous system is the system receiver-processor of the body.

It is a fantastic receiver that, like a radio antenna and far beyond, receives in the moment senseless number of information, and it is we who, through experience and analysis classifies and manages at the conscious level this flow!

The nervous system comprises the brain, made up of different parts,

The spinal cord, embedded in the vertebral column and 94 kilometers of nerves!

Have a good trip

From the cell to the brain ...

The nerve cell

The nervous system consists of billions of long thin cells:

The neuron.





Neurons receive and transmit "electrical-chemical" messages that go to or leave the brain.





One end of the neuron receives the message, the other end transmits it to the next neuron.






The message jumps through a small space between the two neuronsthe synapse.

The arms of my neuron

The cell body of the neuron possesses extensionsarms, like tentacles that bring it into contact with other neurons.





The message spreads along these tentacles a bit like a flame on the wick of a petard!






These extensions are called dendrites.

Let's go faster!


The neurons and dendrites are covered with a white greasy tissue:

The myelin sheath.





It is these white cells that represent the visible white matter in the brain.





The myeline sheath has a dual function.

On the one hand, it isolates nerve fibers, since they carry chemical-electrical information;





And on the other hand it increases the speed of transmission of nerve impulses.

From me to you ...


The functional contact zone that is established between two neurons, or between neuron and a cell is called a synapse.



  It is in this contact zone that the electrical and chemical signal will "jump" from one neuron to another or from a neuron to a muscle cell for example!

Three structures, one brain ...

Your beautiful brain is made up mainly of three structures:

The brain, which represents the largest part, the cerebellum, which is the seat of management, analysis and control of balanceposture, speech as well as complex movements,

And finally the brainstem just below.

The brainstem forms the junction between the brain and the spinal cord.

One part, one function ...not always!

Different parts of the brain are "specialized" in different functions of the body.






 It is very organized, and is composed of several parts that each have specific roles, while being complementary to one another.





It's like one should learn how to teach and educated(in the sense of learning) "his" brain and not identifying with the physical structures...





In the strict sense of the word, the brain comprises two parts called the cerebral hemispheres.





In common language, the brain(or encephalon) also encompasses structures near the hemispheres: brain stem, cerebellum, hypothalamus, pituitary, etc.

The cerebral hemispheres

The cerebral hemispheres form the most voluminous parts of the brain.

They are two: a right hemisphere and a left hemisphere.





We often talk about the right brain and the left brain, while they are a unit!






The hemispheres are suppose to be the seat of all our higher mental functions:

Thought, learning, voluntary movements, memory, etc...




Each hemisphere is itself divided into four zones called lobes.

In these lobes different functions are managed:






The frontal lobe, the parietal lobe, the temporal lobe and the occipital lobe.





Their main functions are as follows:

The frontal lobes:

The seat of speech and language, the seat of reasoning, of memory, of personality, of decision-making, of movements and of judgments.



The right frontal lobe manages the movements on the left side of the body, and vice versa, the left frontal lobe manages the movements on the right side.




The parietal lobes:

It is suppose to be the seat of sensibility, of reading and of locating in space.

Again, the right parietal lobe manages the sensitivity of the left side of the body and vice versa.




The occipital lobes:

Our occipital lobe is suppose to be the seat of vision and image.





The temporal lobes:

Seat of language, memory and emotions.

Thus, the right hemisphere is the seat of analysis and management of information of the left side of the body and vice versa.




However, the distribution of functions within the lobes is not fixed!





There is an extraordinary plasticityinscribed in this fantastic reception organcapable of thinking the universe!




Thus certain functions are managed in different zones according to the people, these variations allow the extraordinary extent of perceptions and points of view!




Like this, for example, the area of the speech is generally situated in the left temporal lobe in right-handers, whereas it can be located on both sides in left-handed persons!





A fantastic receiver

told you...

Leaning against the trunk ... he knew the union.

The brain stem connects the cerebral hemispheres to the spinal cord.






It is suppose to be the seat of the management of vital functions of the body:





Heartbeat, breathing, blood pressure.

These functions are called "unconscious" because our conscious participation is not obligatory!





It is also home to managing eye mobilityfacial movements and swallowing.

In balance!


The cerebellum is situated at the back of the brainstem under the occipital lobes.





It is suppose to be the seat of the management of reflexescoordination of movements and balance!



The pituitary and hypothalamus are structures located at the base of the brain, in the middle of the skull.





Of the size of a peathe pituitary gland plays fundamental role in the production of hormones.




They are the seat where many functions such as growth, puberty, breast milk productionfertility, etc.. are managed and scheduled.





The hypothalamus, located slightly above the pituitary gland, is in contact with all other areas of the brain.




Here the sensations of hunger and thirst are regulated,

Body temperature, sleep, sexuality or heartbeats.